Overview of Trademark

Overview of Trademark Trademark is usually referred to a brand, logo, names, symbols, devices or words/phrase related to products, sign, design or expression or combination thereof. It’s a way to notify the general public the registrant’s right of ownership of the mark and to indicate the public the aim of distinguishing the product from that […]

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A Practical Approach to Calculate Patent Term Adjustment (PTA)

A Practical Approach to Calculate Patent Term Adjustment (PTA) Patent Term Adjustment (hereinafter PTA) is not rocket-science and to enable you with the prowess to dive into the deep understanding of statutory requirements for the PTA without getting caught up with the trickiness of a legal draft, we provide a practical approach to explaining the […]

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What is a Post Grant Review (PGR)?, IPR vs PGR

What is a Post Grant Review (PGR)?, IPR vs PGR Post Grant Review (PGR):  A post-grant review (PGR) is a way of questioning a patent’s validity. PGR was introduced by the America Invents Act (AIA) on September 16, 2012, as a counterpart to the Inter Partes Review (IPR) procedure. Together, they replace the inter partes […]

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[INFOGRAPHIC] Copyright Protection 101: A Visual Guide

[INFOGRAPHIC] Copyright Protection 101: A Visual Guide Copyright is designed to provide authors protection against unauthorized usage of their original creative work. Unfortunately, not everyone understands how it works. Let this infographic fill you in with the basics. Copyright is a legal protection given to the authors of original and creative work, which is put […]

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What Is a Patent Watch and Do I Need One?

What Is a Patent Watch and Do I Need One? What Is a Patent Watch and Do I Need One?: No matter the industry your company operates in, it is imperative that you keep a close eye on your competitors’ IP activity. In doing this, it becomes easier to pinpoint any patents/products that will infringe […]

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Why You Should File a Provisional Patent Application

Why You Should File a Provisional Patent Application Why You Should File a Provisional Patent Application: When beginning the process of obtaining a patent for your invention, it might seem like applying for a provisional patent application is just wasting money and effort.  However, ultimately it can provide much more protection against infringement without showing all […]

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Why Are Patent Drawings Important?

Why Are Patent Drawings Important? “A picture is worth a thousand words.” While cliché, this adage holds true, especially when it comes to patent drawings. Most of the time, an idea is better explained when its description is accompanied by a detailed and accurate illustration. A visual depiction of an invention helps the patent examiners […]

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Basics About Patent Infringement and Litigation

Basics About Patent Infringement and Litigation As an inventor, protecting your idea or creation will always be a high priority. One way to do that is to have your invention patented. When a patent is threatened, however, the holder must take extra measures to protect their rights and interests. Legal Advantage, your provider of reliable […]

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Top 3 Reasons to Invest in Professional Patent Proofreading

Top 3 Reasons to Invest in Professional Patent Proofreading As a patent infringement analysis expert, Legal Advantage strongly recommends examining your patent application in close detail before submitting it. Proofreading is a must because even small errors can have a major impact. Your patent application must be able to withstand scrutiny and it needs to […]

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