Freedom to Operate/Clearance Search

Freedom to Operate/Clearance Search

A Freedom to Operate (FTO) or infringement search or clearance search helps ensure the safe launch of your product, process, or service by identifying whether or not there is a risk of infringing on third-party rights. In other words, an FTO search determines the existence of enforceable IP rights claiming the features of your product, process, or service that could hinder your commerce. By making you aware of possible infringement risks early on in the product development stage, an FTO search can save you a lot of time and capital and help you build a commercial strategy that is secure and viable. Your approach to a potential patent barrier may vary: you may work around the troubling IP, enter into a licensing agreement with the third-party IP holder, or try to invalidate the obstructing IP.

Our Process

Our Freedom to Operate (FTO) search targets active patents and pending applications relevant to your designated country or region, considering the territorial nature of patent rights. Additionally, we include searches for PCT applications potentially entering the national phase and can broaden the scope to cover foreign and expired patents as well. We determine the scope of the search based on the features of the product, process, or service at issue. Any potentially relevant patents that come up during the search are flagged for checking. We analyze these patents to determine whether they pose an infringement risk to your product, process, or service, and also if they are active. Our experts’ keen understanding of claim language and scope puts them in an excellent place to craft IP strategies that not only cover the features of your product, process, or service directly but also target concepts that broadly encompass these features. Once the search process is concluded, we provide an intuitive FTO report that includes the potential claims in specific patents, their bibliographic data, and the patents’ current legal status.

Contact Us

Our team offers comprehensive FTO searches and related legal support services in New York, Washington, DC, and other major cities in the US and Canada. For more information, contact Legal Advantage LLC today.

Freedom To Operate/Clearance Search

Freedom To Operate/Clearance Search
Freedom To Operate/Clearance Search

Why Choose Us?

Expert team with PhDs, Masters, Engineers, and former patent professionals, boasting over 500 years of combined experience.

Access to the world’s leading 250+ patent and non-patent literature databases.

Top IP support services company serving a majority of the Am Law 500 firms and Fortune 500 companies.

Our search experts use effective strategies, combining patent classes, subclasses, and keywords for relevant results.

Our project reports are tailored to client preferences and highlight only relevant prior art, ensuring quick, accurate decision-making. They detail searched concepts, keywords, and classification codes.

We tailor the report to the way you like to see it. Our clients’ preferences often vary from a full report to just the list of identified references on a single page.

Multi-tier quality checks at every stage ensure unmatched accuracy in strategy, relevance, and reporting from start to finish.

Fast turnaround. Our team is trained to delve deep with speed—no haste.

Our analysts conduct thorough searches for both direct and analogous prior arts, assessing the technology and similar functionalities.

We search the art by amalgamating science, law, and logic. Our analysts and managers are diligent and methodical when determining which concepts are vital and which are trivial in the search request.

Your searches and analyses are conducted by our most qualified analysts in the given sub-technology—we don’t just assign searches to the earliest available analyst in the broad-technology domain.

Our experts consult you promptly during critical moments requiring your unique attention, especially if internal consensus is not reached.

We have conducted 13K+ searches to date. Request Your Free Quote Now.