Evidence of Use Search

Evidence of Use Search

Evidence of Use (EoU) is a type of analysis designed to protect the IP and related interests of patent holders and investors. Its primary goals are to identify products, processes, or services in the marketplace that potentially infringe on the patent in question and to evaluate the strength of the patent assertion campaign. A thorough understanding of patent infringement is foundational to an EoU analysis. Generally, patent infringement refers to the act of making or using a patented product, process, or service without permission from the patent owner. Whether non-commercial use constitutes an infringement depends on the specific country or region where the patent was issued. Patent rights are territorial and the exact definition of infringement may vary by jurisdiction. Besides identifying likely and potential infringers, EoU can also give an indication of a patent’s future potential, provide information necessary for the creation of a sales or licensing agreement, and help patent owners build a viable and sustainable R&D plan.

Our Process

EoU begins with a detailed analysis of the subject patent and its file history, scope, and specifications, followed by the identification of products, processes, and services that exist within the same jurisdiction and are similar to the patent. Methods that may be used in this stage of the EoU process may include product disassembly, source code analysis, and reverse engineering. These steps are preparatory to the creation of a claim chart, which maps elements in the potentially infringing products, processes, and services to the independent and dependent claims of the subject patent. Note that EoU can be established even without full-on claim chart mapping; however, claim charts are the most complete, credible, and compelling way to convey that infringement exists in the products, processes, and services at issue.

Contact Us

Where evidence of infringement exists, the Legal Advantage LLC team can uncover and document it. Our search experts have years of experience in researching and documenting credible Evidence of Use (EoU) for thousands of patents. To maximize the benefits of EoU, contact us today.

Evidence of Use Search

Evidence of Use Search
Evidence of Use Search

“We surpass other search providers with our comprehensive capability for extensive patent and technical literature searches.”

Why Choose Us?

Our team, boasting over 500 years of collective experience, includes PhDs, Masters, Engineers, former USPTO and IPO patent examiners, and patent agents.

Access to the world’s leading 250+ patent and non-patent literature databases.

Our reports, tailored from extensive experience and client preferences, highlight only relevant prior art for quick, accurate decision-making. They detail searched concepts, keywords, and classification codes.

Our search experts utilize tailored combination strategies, expertly selecting patent classes, subclasses, and keywords to yield relevant results.

Our reports, tailored from extensive experience and client preferences, highlight only relevant prior art for quick, accurate decision-making. They detail searched concepts, keywords, and classification codes.

We tailor the report to the way you like to see it. Our clients’ preferences often vary from a full report to just the list of identified references on a single page.

Our multi-tier quality checks from start to finish guarantee unmatched accuracy in strategy, relevancy, and reporting.

Fast turnaround. Our team is trained to delve deep with speed—no haste.

Our analysts not only search for prior arts matching specific requirements but also explore similar functionalities, ensuring a thorough technology assessment.

We search the art by amalgamating science, law, and logic. Our analysts and managers are diligent and methodical when determining which concepts are vital and which are trivial in the search request.

Your searches and analyses are conducted by our most qualified analysts in the given sub-technology—we don’t just assign searches to the earliest available analyst in the broad-technology domain.

Our experts collaborate closely, consulting you quickly on critical matters when internal consensus is not reached.

We have conducted 13K+ searches to date. Request Your Free Quote Now.