World Intellectual Property Day

World Intellectual Property Day There will be no prize to guess the most valuable form of intangible asset in today’s business world. It’s nothing but the intellectual property rights (IPR). However, in order to bring this definition to sound natural to human ears it took about 140+ years. Yes, it all started in 1873 when […]

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EDA Tools

EDA Tools Electronic design automation (EDA) also referred to as electronic computer-aided design (ECAD) is a software tool to design electronic circuits. The software tool generally consists of a design flow to design and analyze the electronic circuit. Before EDA tools developed, circuit designers used to depend on manually drawing the circuit on a paper […]

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Human Analogous

Human Analogous What is the most sophisticated machine that has ever crossed the timeline of existence on the earth? A machine that has always captivated scientists and engineers for perfection but has deluded them of the masterpiece, so much so that even in this century of science and technology at its zenith they are not […]

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Anti-Drone Overview Drones a.k.a. unmanned aerial vehicles were once considered as military airships. It is a known fact that larger aircrafts can be controlled from larger distances. There are few drones that are very famous to deliver weapons in most efficient manner causing no harm to the humans involved. However, these drones are now developed […]

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A kitchen game changer in 1945

A kitchen game changer in 1945 While microwave ovens with varying dimensions and cooking features have become commonplace household items, they have a great history. Notably, this time-saver, energy efficient device was an accidental invention. An American self-taught physicist Dr. Percy Lebaron Spencer working for Raytheon Company while conducting experiments on radio waves in 1940s […]

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Robots in the Operating room

Robots in the Operating room A patient visited a doctor after severe pain in his abdomen, doctor after examining him suggested to undergo laparoscopic surgery as a stone was detected in his kidney.. When the patient enquired about a probable date and duration of the surgery, he got shocked with the doctor’s response. The doctor […]

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Home Automation

Home Automation Home automation or smart home generally involves a method/system for controlling any type of device in home such as washer/dryers, ovens or refrigerators/freezers, lighting and heating, ventilation & air conditioning(HVAC) etc remotely/wirelessly (let’s call it automatically) such as by detecting the presence of human beings. In 1898, Nikola Tesla invented a method for […]

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Knee Braces

Knee Braces Are you an accident-prone person who has had a periodic timeline of minor or major accidents throughout your life? Or, are you a sports-enthusiast who has to, many a times, put thy body in line to deliver much anticipated performance? Or, on the contrary, if you are a person who has/had issues with […]

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Insulin pumps- What’s current? Any alternatives?

Insulin pumps- What’s current? Any alternatives? According to WHO (World Health Organization), around the world approx 422 million people were living with diabetes in 2014, compared to 108 million in 1980. A fourfold increase in just three and half decades. It has nearly doubled in adult population (age over 18 years) since 1980, rising from […]

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An Artificial heart

An Artificial heart Heart is the engine of our body that pumps blood into various vessels. The organ works rigorously beating 100, 000 times a day to keep our body freshly supplied with oxygen. But what will happen if our heart stops beating? Is this the end of our life? The answer is no. Today, […]

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