Protecting Innovation in the Fashion Industry – Trends & Analysis.

Protecting Innovation in the Fashion Industry – Trends & Analysis. The fashion industry is a vibrant and continually evolving field, driven by creativity, innovation, and a relentless pursuit of originality. It spans various activities, including the design and production of clothing and accessories, as well as marketing and retail. This industry thrives on seasonal trends, […]

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The WIPO Treaty on Genetic Resources and Associated Traditional Knowledge – May 2024

The WIPO Treaty on Genetic Resources and Associated Traditional Knowledge – May 2024 On May 24, 2024, WIPO member states adopted a groundbreaking new treaty addressing intellectual property (IP) rights concerning genetic resources (GR) and associated traditional knowledge (TK). This historic treaty, the first of its kind, marks the culmination of over two decades of […]

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Demystifying Patent Claims

Demystifying Patent Claims

Demystifying Patent Claims Patent claims are the most crucial part of a patent application. They define the boundaries of the patent’s protection by clearly outlining what the inventor considers their invention. Each claim specifies the invention’s elements and scope, serving as a legal declaration of the inventor’s rights. Why are Patent Claims Needed? Patent claims […]

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Shape of Goods – Trademark or Design?

Shape Of Goods – Trademark Or Design? Protecting the unique elements of your products is vital. Two common forms of IP protection are shape trademarks and design. Understanding these types of protections and knowing which one to select can greatly influence your business success. This blog will explore the intricacies of shape trademarks and design […]

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Mastering Patent Assignments.

Mastering Patent Assignments.

Mastering Patent Assignments. Patent assignments are crucial mechanisms in intellectual property management which enable the transfer of patent rights from one entity to another. Understanding how patent assignments work can significantly enhance your company’s intellectual property strategy. This blog covers everything from the basics of patent assignment to how to ensure your company properly owns […]

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Understanding International Patent Protection

Understanding International Patent Protection For innovators and businesses looking to safeguard their inventions, understanding international patent protection is crucial. This blog delves into why international patent protection is needed, who needs it, how it can help, and the strategic considerations involved, including costs and timelines Why International Patent Protection? The rise of globalization and online […]

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Valuing Patents as Strategic Business Assets

Valuing Patents as Strategic Business Assets Innovation remains a key differentiator for companies striving to maintain market leadership. Patents not only protect these innovations but also represent significant intangible assets. Understanding the value of patents is crucial for businesses involved in transactions like mergers, acquisitions, or licensing agreements, and for strategic internal management. Why Patent […]

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Your Guide to Patent Mining with Legal Advantage

Your Guide to Patent Mining with Legal Advantage In the ocean of intellectual property, not all patents hold the same value or potential. This realization has made patent mining an indispensable strategy for organizations that capitalize on their intellectual assets effectively. Unlike patent pruning, which focuses on trimming down a portfolio to its most valuable […]

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The art and science of Patent Pruning

The art and science of Patent Pruning Managing a patent portfolio has become a complex task in today’s innovation-driven world. The era when filing a patent was a rare and highly valued action is behind us. Now, the focus is on maintaining a strategic, manageable, and cost-effective collection of patents. Enter the practice of patent […]

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