Patent Valuation

Patent Valuation: Before we attempt to understand patent valuation, let us understand the term patent in light of revenue. As the legacy definition for a patent signifies monopolistic right for the invention that prevents others from making, selling, buying, using, etc. This monopolistic right is paving a prosperous path especially for the corporate sector through patents.

As revenue comes into picture for a patent, profit-making entities majorly perform the patent evaluation. The idea is to weigh a patent in terms of money. Consequently, the patent is scaled on multiple factors with regards to the patent and its holding entities.

An organization’s value solely does not depend on its current assets and profits. It is the patent portfolio that gives an accurate value of the organization. In broader terms, it is not the product which is fulfilling the necessity, it is the idea. Therefore, an idea is on sale, and assessing the value of the idea is the intelligent part.

Identifying the cost of any item, in general, is done by considering the total expenditure spent on manufacturing that item. Likewise, the patent cost can be calculated by amounting the cost of R&D, prosecution fees, examination fees, etc. But this is a generic way of calculating. The true cost of a patent is largely based on the below-stated parameters where analysis is done heuristically that help to assess the actual cost.

  • Technological domain (evolution trends)
  • Patent term
  • Licensing scope
  • Current market (Revenue)
  • Citations
  • Foreign counterparts
  • Potential prior art
  • Potential infringement
  • Litigation
  • Patent Cost

Few advantages of patent evaluation are

  • Due diligence for an organization
  • Preparing business strategies
  • Financial prognosis
  • Market position
  • Competitor analysis
  • Freedom to operate
  • Mergers and acquisition