Naming Your Company and Watching Your Back With a TradeMark Search
Choosing a Name for Your Business
Entrepreneurs and startups spend lot of time and resources to identify what their corporate name, URL, and slogan will be. Why go through all the hassles of picking a name for your business only to discover that someone has already registered a similar name?

A young man in business suit holding the white blank business card. Business name card presenting (mock-up white card) – trademark search
Fortunately, there is a way to overcome this problem, and it starts with contacting Legal Advantage, LLC. You’ll be able to secure peace of mind in knowing that the name you choose will not infringe upon others trademark registration.
We call this a “trademark search.”
What Does a Trademark Search Cover?
A trademark search includes search in US TESS (Trademark Electronic Search System). US individual States, domain name and business registries for existing/pending/abandoned trademark registrations followed by a quick-search to identify trademarks which are in public domain.
When performing a trademark search, the intent is to find similar marks, trade design, phonetic equivalents; i.e., similar vowel/consonant sounds and word segments in specific as well as multiple classes of goods and services.
Smart and Cost Effective
A comprehensive trademark search for jurisdiction can be performed in very less time and costs very less. Businesses in the early stages of a startup can afford a trademark search within their budget, whereas hiring a lawyer for the same can overboard the expenses. Legal Advantage LLC will help you establish a clear path for choosing a perfect name for your business registration.
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