Patent Search

Expert Patent Search Services

Ensuring Accuracy, Confidentiality, and Timeliness

A patent search service identifies issued and published patents relevant as "prior art" references before filing for a patent. "Prior art" includes any public domain material, patented or not, that could affect an invention's novelty. When selecting a patent search partner; accuracy, timeliness, and confidentiality are essential. For more than two decades, Legal Advantage LLC has provided insightful, high-quality search results, ensuring the confidentiality of our legal and corporate clients' information.

Unmatched Patent Search Expertise

Unmatched Patent Search Expertise

Our team comprises PhDs, Masters, Engineers, former patent examiners, and patent agents with expertise across all technology domains, fully equipped to meet your search requirements. We employ highly structured search methodologies and multi-tier quality checks at each stage to ensure maximum efficiency without compromising on accuracy. Thanks to our extensive access to over 200+ patent and non-patent literature databases—including Derwent Innovation, Questel-Orbit, Patseer, and numerous others through STN—we can delve deeper and extend further in our searches than most providers. Additionally, our integration of AI technologies enhances our search capabilities, enabling us to uncover even the most obscure references with precision.

Landscape Analytics

Our patent mapping services gather and analyze extensive patent information from your selected technology segment, distilling it into actionable insights. These insights assist in managing, directing, developing, and protecting your intellectual property and business resources effectively. For robust and actionable intelligence, we assign your searches and analyses to our most qualified analysts specializing in your sub-technology. We tailor all reports to meet your specific business requirements.

Our Patent Search Services

Patentability/Novelty Search

A patentability search determines whether an invention meets the relevant legal conditions to be granted a patent, namely novelty, utility, and nonobviousness.

Knockout Search

A knockout search is a focused patentability search where patent and non-patent literature databases are checked for similar or identical prior art.

Freedom to Operate/Clearance Search

A Freedom to Operate (FTO) or clearance search determines whether an invention infringes on pending and unexpired patents or whether it already exists in the public domain.

Invalidity/Validity Search

An invalidity/validity search is an “all bases covered” search conducted against the claims of a patent to determine the existence or nonexistence of relevant prior art.

State of the Art/Landscape Search

A State of the Art (SOA) search provides a general idea of the existing prior art and current state of affairs in a technology domain.

Chemical Search

A chemical search is conducted with the aid of chemical formulas and structures (as opposed to simple keywords) and requires access to chemical structure databases as well as patent and prior art databases.

Evidence of Use

Evidence of Use (EoU) is a type of analysis that evaluates the strength of a patent assertion campaign and identifies inventions that potentially infringe on the patent in question.

Patent Landscape Analysis

A patent landscape or patent map is a graphical representation of all relevant patents that exist within a technology domain.

Our extensive experience in conducting searches enables us to deliver results with high quality comparable to a patent examination report

We have conducted 13K+ searches to date. Request Your Free Quote Now.