Chemical Search

High-Quality, High-Accuracy, Multi-Database Chemical Searches

In the fields of chemistry and pharmaceutical sciences, research predominantly focuses on the chemical aspects of molecules, whether as reagents or products. These molecules are utilized in drugs, food, and agriculture, among other common applications. Often, chemical structures represented in patents are complex and filed as Markush structures-collections of generic chemical structures with variable functional or R groups, ring sizes, atoms, etc. Markush structures can be challenging to search without the necessary tools and level of proficiency offered by Legal Advantage LLC’s team of experts. Our team can also perform chemical structure searches based on a substance’s name or synonym, known attributes, chemical family, molecular formula, or CAS Registry Number (CASRN). We are fully qualified to conduct comprehensive searches for patent and non-patent literature on multiple databases, including CAS Registry, MARPAT, and CAplus.

Chemical Composition/ Formulation

The scope of a chemical composition or chemical formulation search can cover the pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, personal care (e.g. skin care, beauty), and home care (e.g. hard surface cleaning, laundry) segments. Over the years, conducting thousands of chemical searches has taught us that finding patent or non-patent literature references with the exact combination of ingredients in the same proportions is uncommon. This is why a search expert may adjust some ingredients or amounts during the search. In other words, there may be judicious trade-offs between an ingredient’s functionality and its quantity in a given formulation. The process of deciding which ingredient to adjust first, which next; and which ingredient or set of ingredients is most vital to the formulation requires a combination of in-depth technical knowledge and IP expertise. Our extensive experience with formulation searches gives us the ability and confidence to make the right judgments and deliver high-quality, high-accuracy results.

“We delve deeper and reach further than most search providers due to our comprehensive patent and technical literature search capabilities.”

Why Choose Us?

Our team, boasting over 500 years of collective experience, includes PhDs, Masters, Engineers, former USPTO and IPO patent examiners, and patent agents.

Access to the world’s leading 250+ patent and non-patent literature databases.

Top IP support services company serving a majority of the Am Law 500 firms and Fortune 500 companies.

Our experts master combination strategies for meaningful results, skillfully selecting patent classes, subclasses, and keywords.

Our project reports are concise, focusing on relevant prior art without unnecessary data. We detail concepts, keywords, and classifications searched, enabling swift,

We tailor the report to the way you like to see it. Our clients’ preferences often vary from a full report to just the list of identified references on a single page.

accurate decision-making. Our rigorous multi-tier quality checks at every stage ensure unmatched accuracy in strategy, relevancy, and reporting.

Fast turnaround. Our team is trained to delve deep with speed—no haste.

Our analysts conduct comprehensive searches, identifying not only direct matches but also similar prior arts, ensuring a thorough evaluation of the technology and related functionalities.

We search the art by amalgamating science, law, and logic. Our analysts and managers are diligent and methodical when determining which concepts are vital and which are trivial in the search request.

Our experts, including PhDs and patent agents, conduct tailored searches in specific sub-technologies, ensuring precision and relevance.

Our experts consult with you on key issues, ensuring collaboration for prompt, expert decisions when consensus on a concept is elusive.

Contact Us

Whether you need a Chemical Search, Freedom to Operate (FTO), Patentability, Landscape, or Invalidity/Vvalidity search, Legal Advantage LLC is the team to call. Get in touch with our office today.

Chemical Search

We have conducted 13K+ searches to date. Request Your Free Quote Now.